Friday, 25 May 2012



dh lame aku x tulis blog...nk dekat 5 bulan jgk la....atau lebih...aku pun dh lupe sbb hidup aku skrg sibuk giler ngn tesis....tesis...tesis..... sibuk tulis tesis smpai xsempt bukak blog sampai xingt password blog...sampai kene wt password bru...sampai bru leh tulis blog...huhuuhuhu..... bile dh bukak blog ni start r nk merapu....

td aku bru anta draf tesis week final draf dh....another two week, viva-voce, next three week sudmit real tesis.... emang sibuk sesangat-sangat...penat tersangat-sangat.... next month mean next week....i have to be stronger bcoz i will be extremely busy with thesis and some personal thing....due date is exam....appointment with the thesis for final sudmit....rrrrrrr...lot of thing n limited of money....kadang2 nk je kawin and then my husband will pay for everything...when a stress and want to cry, he always beside me a chocolate, cake and lot of thing to make me happy..

but at the same time, aku happy sbb adik llaki aku dpt sambung study kt matrikulasi p.pinang. happy tu emang happy tp still risau walaupun dia lelaki...hmmmm...hope he will always do the best... jgn dia myombong sudah nnti.... ase macam nk blik rumah pun ada mcm ni...nk raikn adik aku jgk...huhuuhuhu...i miss my parent a lots.......huhuhuhuhuu...wanna go home....T.T.....

this week, lot of thing happen with my life.... i can see lot of people behavior....same are nice n some are not... tak tau la pe lagi aku akn jumpa ble aku dh abis study nnti....hmmmm....skrg ni nk keje...nk kumpul duit je dlm fikirn...seriously need money....hahahaha.....